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Model:PVC solar heater for swimming pool

PVC solar heater for above ground swimming pool

Gain up to 5 degree for 16m3

Soft Rubber solar matting

Supplied with swimming pool hose adaptor for 32 or 38mm (1 1/4" and 1 1/2") manifolds with 1 1/2" for rigid PVC pipe.

When exposed to the sun, the black surface of the collector panel gradually heats up the pool water.

Fits into your existing pool filter system. Works with 4m3/h pump mininum (not included).

As it it made out of flexible materials, the solar heater can be installed flat or curved slightly to fit the contours of the ground.

Standard collector panel measurements 6.10 x 0.61m.

Depending on where you want to install the solar heater, you may need additional coupling hoses(not supplied) between the filter systems and the collector panel, or between the collector panel and the pool.



Add: Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, China
Tel: +86 574 88362707 81802090  Fax: +86 574 88362707
E-mail: sales@chinastrongman.com   www.chinastrongman.com  Design:Enxun Inc



